Digital Reg of Texas, LLC v. Adobe Sys. Inc., No. 12-01971-CW-(KAW), 2013 WL 633406 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 20, 2013)

Key Insight: ?In light of the availability of source code analyzer tools and the extraordinary burden that a compiler would impose on [Defendant], the court denie[d] [Plaintiff?s] request for a compiler for source code review?; court also declined to compel defendant?s production of printouts of 14 complete files (of source code) and ordered the parties to meet to determine which limited portions of the source code would be produced in hard copy and to arrange for [Plaintiff?s] experts to inspect the complete file ?to determine the limited portions of the source code needed, if necessary.?

Nature of Case: Patent Infringement

Electronic Data Involved: Source code, compiler software

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