Aventa Learning, Inc. v. K12, Inc., —F. Supp. 2d—, 2011 WL 5438690 (W.D. Wash. Nov. 8, 2011)

Key Insight: Applying Washington State law, court held that return of employer-issued laptop containing attorney-client privileged information without asserting a claim of privilege as to those contents resulted in waiver of privilege; even where privilege was asserted as to certain contents prior to return of employer-issued laptop, privilege was waived where employer?s policies negated expectation of privacy, including as to web based email accessed on the laptop; court?s analysis applied four part test from In re Asia Global Crossing, Ltd., 322 B.R. 247 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2005)

Nature of Case: Breach of separation agreement, conversion

Electronic Data Involved: Privileged emails

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